Frequently Asked Questions

How can I build my contact database?
You can build your contact database in a variety of ways:
  • 1) Via web with online sign-up pages (OSP), embedded sign-up pages (eOSP), Facebook sign-up pages
  • 2) By using mobile keywords, mobile voting, and the Shuffle Responder
  • Why are two messages sent out when my customer texts in a keyword? Can I remove the 'REPLY STOP to cancel' message?
    Whenever a subscriber texts in your mobile keyword for the first time, a standard welcome message/disclaimer (see preceding FAQ) gets sent out along with the auto-response you created for the mobile keyword. The 'REPLY STOP to cancel message' is a CTIA requirement and can not be removed. All mobile subscribers receive this message.
    What is the required disclaimer when a subscriber texts in a mobile keyword?
    Due to MMA regulations, a message that explicitly expresses compliance and states how many messages the subscriber should expect to receive in a given month must be sent. Subscribers will receive this message via SMS. Example: "Welcome! Msg&Data rates may apply. Get X# msg/mo. Reply HELP for help. Reply STOP to cancel."
    Will subscribers get multiple messages if they are opted into more than one of my distribution lists?
    No, the system will recognize if the same contact has been added to multiple distribution lists. If you send a message to multiple lists that contain repeat contacts, those subscribers will only receive one message.
    Why are some of my messages failing?
    Failed messages may occur due to the following reasons:
        1) The text message was sent to a landline, not a mobile number. In some instances, consumers sign up for distribution lists with landline numbers. In order to minimize having landlines in your distribution lists, it is recommended that you use the Filter Landlines feature, which can be accessed under the "Manage Contacts" section.
        2) Carriers are blocking third-party messages from being sent to the phone number. This is a rare issue, but to help resolve this problem, the contact must communicate with their phone carrier and request to allow third party messaging.
        3) Invalid mobile numbers
    Why is there a difference in cost between SMS and MMS?
    The cost difference is due to differences in the file sizes being sent. A regular SMS text using simple plain text up to 160 characters, will cost 1 text credit per mobile number. An MMS text, which includes long text messages (160+ characters), pictures, or videos, will cost 6 text credits per mobile number.

    Please note - not all US carriers or mobile devices support MMS.

    Will I be provided a list of contact numbers that I can add to my database?
    No, all subscribers must opt-in on their own. All contacts in your database, including imported lists, should only consist of subscribers who have voluntarily opted-in to be a part of your distribution list.
    When I sign up for a free trial, will I be signing a contract for a designated period?
    No, you will not be locked into any type of contract when signing up for a free trial. You may cancel your account at any time.
    How and when can I change my mobile keyword(s)?
    Before changing your mobile keyword, please be aware of how many keywords your plan allows you to have. You can create a new keyword at any time. However, if your plan only allows for one keyword, that keyword must be deleted before you create a new one. If you need additional keywords, you may upgrade your plan.
    How do I create a Facebook Sign-up Page?
    After logging in to your account, hover over the Collect Contacts tab and click on "Create A New Online Sign-up Page." From there, select "Facebook Sign-up Page" for Sign-up Page Type and complete all required fields.

    *Note: Before creating a Facebook Sign-up Page, you must first connect your Facebook to your account. Go to "My Account" → "Social Networking Accounts" to complete this process.

    How do I see the results of my mobile voting campaign?
    Once you've created a mobile voting campaign, you can view real time reports by going to the "Multi-Channel Voting" page (after you've logged in), clicking on the campaign you wish to see results for, and then clicking on the "Report" button.
    How do subscribers redeem coupons?
    After a coupon campaign has been created, you will have access to a redemption link. Each subscriber is given a unique coupon code, which they can present to your store clerk. The clerk can enter the code as well as the mobile number on the redemption site to redeem coupons.
    What if I want to change or cancel my account?
    To change your account settings, go to "My Account" on your dashboard and configure your settings. To cancel your account, please contact us here.
    Got another question?
    Go to Help menu click on support ticket ! The support team will be in touch with you soon.

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